Landscape Types and Character Areas

Dorset National Landscape is grouped into landscape types, shaded using the same colour on the interactive map below. These landscape types contain between one and five individual character areas. Each character area has its own webpage, with detailed information. You can navigate to the character area pages by clicking on map and following the link, or by using the links at the bottom of the landscape type webpages.

The GIS file containing the landscape character areas can be downloaded here:

Landscape Planning and Change

The beautiful landscapes we see today have been shaped by thousands of years of human activity with the environment. Impressive geological formations and natural processes have created landforms which people have helped shape into distinctive landscapes. Farming, forestry, and local industries have all left their mark, giving a unique sense of place and character to our countryside. Many of the patterns and features of past use have survived through centuries of change. Into the 21st century, the pace of social, economic and environmental change is increasing. Without careful planning and management, the quality and condition of the landscape could irreversibly decline.

Landscape Character Types

The following types are used to group Dorset National Landscape's character areas